Research Unit . EA 4174

Haematosis, inflammation and sepsis

Biologie, médecine, santé

Address :
Faculté de médecine RTH Laënnec bâtiment B 3ème étage
7-11 Rue Guillaume Paradin
69372 Lyon Cedex 08
Phone :
33 (0)4 78 77 87 97
Fax :
33 (0)4 78 77 87 78
Affiliated institutions :
Faculté de Médecine Lyon Est


Research topics

Our work involves the physiopathology of the coagulation system. The physiological process of haemostasis involves proteins and catalytic reactions on the surface of cell membranes, in particular platelets. Our pre-clinical research is essentially based on factor VIII coagulation proteins (of which there is a deficiency in those suffering from haemophilia A), factor IX (deficiency in those with haemophilia B) and VII - dealing specifically with biosynthesis, interactions between them and with membrane phospholipids. We also study the biosynthesis mechanisms of recombinant molecules using mammal cells. In addition, we study the links between sepsis, inflammation, tumoral processes and haemostasis using in vitro models, animal models and human biological samples. This pre-clinical research is carried out closely with the medical activities undertaken in the Hospices Civils de Lyon [Lyon hospice authority].