Marie Sklodowska Curie post-doctoral fellowships

Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 is implementing an ambitious policy of support and assistance to enable the research teams in its laboratories to apply for the Marie Sklodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA PF) call for projects.

Grants for the international mobility of young researchers

This European call for projects enables research teams to host a young researcher for a period of 12 to 24 or 36 months, of any nationality, who wishes to carry out a research project as part of an international mobility programme, and who meets the following eligibility criteria:
  • Hold a doctorate
  • Have less than 8 years' research experience after obtaining their (first) doctoral degree
  • Comply with the mobility rule: not have resided or carried out their main activity (employment, studies, etc.) in the country of application for more than 12 months during the last 3 years

The post is 100% funded, with a lump sum to cover operating and environmental costs. The candidate and supervisor will work together to define a research project. All research themes are eligible.

The timetable

This call for projects opens annually in April, with applications due on 11th of September 2024.

[ Find out more about the Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellowship ]


How do I apply?

Are you looking for a candidate?

 Si vous êtes chercheur ou enseignant-chercheur intéressé par cet appel, mais n’avez pas identifié de candidat, Lyon Ingénierie Projets (LIP) peut vous aider à trouver un candidat potentiel : en postant votre offre d’accueil (voir documents utiles) sur une page dédiée du site de l’Université, sur des sites spécialisés, et en la diffusant à travers plusieurs réseaux de partenaires (ARQUS, EURAXESS, établissements partenaires de l’UCBL dans les projets européens…).

    Nous vous conseillons en parallèle d’activer vos propres réseaux de partenaires et collaborateurs scientifiques habituels pour diffuser votre offre d’accueil (attention toutefois à rappeler les contraintes de mobilité des candidats).
Vous avez identifié un candidat ?

Have you identified a candidate?

Lyon Ingénierie Projets can help you put together, write and submit your application, in collaboration with the Europe Unit at Université Lyon 1, and will be organising a training webinar in June, followed by a review of the application by winners of European calls for projects.

Are you a candidate looking for a supervisor at UCBL?

First check that you meet the eligibility requirements. Then you need to find a supervisor. See below the list of currently available Hosting offers. Interested candidates can contact directly the supervisors.

Candidates may also send spontaneous applications to, should they need support to identify a supervisor in their field of research.

Once you found a supervisor, you need to provide :

  • A project proposal in 2-3 pages using the Template for presenting a Marie Curie project to be hosted at UCBL (see useful documents)
  • Your contact informations
  • Academic focus/ short CV and present employment/ affiliation
  • All other documents as listed in the offer
Useful documents

Hosting offers

In the section below, you can check the list of currently available positions and supervisors in our labs, to submit a grant application at the HORIZON-MSCA-2025-PF-01-01 call.



coming soon


Institut for Light and Matter (ILM)
Hosting offer - Physics-based models for urban mobility
Hosting offer - Optomechanics of complex media
Hosting offer - Oxygen driven Morphogenesis

Earth science, Space and the Universe

coming soon


Analytical Sciences Institute (ISA)
Hosting offer - Multidimensional chromatography

High Field NMR Center (CRMN)
Hosting offer - Hyperpolarized NMR

Biology, Medical sciences

International Center for Infectiology Research (CIRI) 
Hosting offer - Legionella pathogenesis
Hosting offer - Virology / Study of respiratory coinfections

Cancer Research Centre of Lyon (CRCL)
Hosting offer - Bioinformatics applied to oncology

Pathophysiology and Genetics of Neuron and Muscle Laboratory (PGNM)
Hosting offer - Pediatric cancer, medulloblastoma

Molecular Microbiology and Structural Biochemistry (MMSB)
Hosting offer - Regulation of bacterial cell differentiation

Social and human sciences

coming soon

Engineering sciences

Laboratory of Composite Materials for Construction (LMC2)
Hosting offer - Civil Engineering

Information and communication technologies

coming soon


Are you looking for a candidate or have you found a candidate for a Marie Sklodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship? Lyon Ingénierie Projets can help you.
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