Mixed research unit CNC UMR 5229

Cognitive Neuroscience Centre - CNC

Biologie, médecine, santé

Address :
Institut des Sciences Cognitives
67 Boulevard Pinel
69675 BRON Cedex
Phone :
04 37 91 12 19
Fax :
04 37 91 12 10
On the Internet :

Research topics

The CNC studies the cognitive foundations of behaviour and its pathologies and brings together researchers and university lecturers/researchers who are interested in subjects as varied as perception, attention, memory and learning, abnormal movements, decision-making and social cognition. Their areas of expertise are complementary, uniting different scales of analysis of the brain function (from nerve cells to behaviour) and different approaches (animal models, genetics, brain imaging, experimental psychology, modelling).
The laboratory also serves as a place of interaction for researchers and clinicians whose aim is to further the understanding of handicaps caused by lesions, dysfunctions and degeneration of neuronal circuits, and to develop new therapeutic approaches to treat these handicaps.
The CNC has around 70 members and is located in Bron, in the building of the Institut des Sciences Cognitives [Institute of Cognitive Sciences], very near the hospital district: H?pital Neurologique, Mère-Enfant et Vinatier [Neurology hospital, the Mother and Child Hospital and Vinatier hospital].